Group members blogs

Here are my group members blogs.

Conor Murray

Jamie Reeves

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What our audience would be according to the regulation bodies

After looking at the audience bodies research that I have researched and posted on to my blog I have now applied all of this to the audience that we are hoping to attract the most. Here is a link to the audience research post on my blog. Audience Research

Using the NRS social grade which determines a household into each category by using the occupation of the head of the household to organise them. By looking at each of the grades we are aiming for the C2-D grade. This is because we are aiming at a younger audience and we assume that younger people would be in these categories because young people tend not to have a highly paid profession when they are younger. We have Identified a young audience because they are the biggest film consumers out of all the age groups.

The acorn system categrises all of the united kingdom postcodes into various types based on census data and other information such as lifestyle surveys. By using this data we asume that a younger audience would be classified in moderate means and possibly hard pressed groups. We are aiming at these because we believe that a younger audience would mainly be asociated with these groups.

1 comment:

  1. make sure that i add a post that shows i have considered exhibition and where my TA would best access our film
