Conventions of a short film.
- Short films all generally follow the same style of how they are filmed. I have watched a few short films now and I have noticed that they usually contain no more than three characters with one of them being mainly focused on.
- Also the storyline that they have tend to have a twist in them. This is because they are so short that if they didn't include a twist in them they just simply wouldn't be enticing to an audience. Short films also tend to have a lot of point of view shots. This is because short films are mainly about a characters life and the best way to portray this story is to see it how the character sees it.
- Voice overs are a very popular method of sound in short films, and it is often found in short films that a voice over would be used instead of dialogue, there could be many reasons for this, for one it is cheaper to record a voice over than use a high tech boom, but also if the story is about someone's life, the voice over would normally be that of the central protagonist.
- Another convention that a short film has is that it tends to be between 1-5 minutes long.
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