Group members blogs

Here are my group members blogs.

Conor Murray

Jamie Reeves

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Character models.

Our main production consists of three main characters. They are known as the Significant extra, The protagonist and the main antagonist. We also have to characters that follow the main antagonist. Below is a link to conor's blog for the image and description of each character.

Here is a link to Conor's blog and the post he has completed about our characters and the way they we are going to portray them. Conor's Blog.

Our script

We have completed our script as a draft but I have found a list of specifications that a script has to consist of to be completed at a professional standard. Here is the list of the specifications that are required to produce a professional script.
  • 12pt Dark Courier
  • Left margin: 1.6in (4.06cm)
  • Right margin: 3/4in (1.9cm)
  • Dialogue: 2.6in(6.5cm)
  • Character Name: 3.9in (10.0cm)
  • Parentheticals: 3.3in (8.0cm)
  • Character Names: Upper case on first introduction, lower case from then on
  • CAPITALISE: Significant props and sound (eg. a KNIFE, a BANG)
  • CAPITALISE: Key points of direction (eg. ZOOM, JUMP-CUT)
I am going to rewrite our script using all of the bullet points above, and then I will link it to my blog via this post.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What our audience would be according to the regulation bodies

After looking at the audience bodies research that I have researched and posted on to my blog I have now applied all of this to the audience that we are hoping to attract the most. Here is a link to the audience research post on my blog. Audience Research

Using the NRS social grade which determines a household into each category by using the occupation of the head of the household to organise them. By looking at each of the grades we are aiming for the C2-D grade. This is because we are aiming at a younger audience and we assume that younger people would be in these categories because young people tend not to have a highly paid profession when they are younger. We have Identified a young audience because they are the biggest film consumers out of all the age groups.

The acorn system categrises all of the united kingdom postcodes into various types based on census data and other information such as lifestyle surveys. By using this data we asume that a younger audience would be classified in moderate means and possibly hard pressed groups. We are aiming at these because we believe that a younger audience would mainly be asociated with these groups.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Conventions of a short film.

  • Short films all generally follow the same style of how they are filmed. I have watched a few short films now and I have noticed that they usually contain no more than three characters with one of them being mainly focused on.

  • Also the storyline that they have tend to have a twist in them. This is because they are so short that if they didn't include a twist in them they just simply wouldn't be enticing to an audience. Short films also tend to have a lot of point of view shots. This is because short films are mainly about a characters life and the best way to portray this story is to see it how the character sees it.

  • Voice overs are a very popular method of sound in short films, and it is often found in short films that a voice over would be used instead of dialogue, there could be many reasons for this, for one it is cheaper to record a voice over than use a high tech boom, but also if the story is about someone's life, the voice over would normally be that of the central protagonist.

  • Another convention that a short film has is that it tends to be between 1-5 minutes long.

First time using photoshop.

To create our magazine review and the poster for our film we decided that we would use photoshop. Photoshop has all of the tools and effects that are needed for us to create a magazine review and film poster at a very high standard. I have never used photoshop before so I decided to have a first time mess around to help me learn and get used to the software. Below is a quick poster that I have created using basic techniques and the basic tools that photoshop has to offer.
After I had completed my photoshop poster for the first time I decided that the photoshop part of the magazine article and the poster that we were creating was not going to be done by me. The film poster will be created by jamie and I will recreate the poster in a way that I would have done it.

Market Research Review

Here is our market research review that my group members filmed because I was ill on that day.

Link to Jamie's Blog

Market Research

Here is our market research.

Market Feedback from JamieReeves on Vimeo.

A link to the full post. Jamie reeves